The Lone Oak Rifle and Pistol Club was initially incorporated in 1948 to promote sportsmanship, the shooting sports, safe handling of firearms, and youth firearm safety and instruction. At least two other sites were used before the Club was able to lease the property that we presently occupy. In 1964 the Club obtained the property lease and began work building a shooting range. At that time new Officers were elected, new members were admitted, and dues started to be collected. The new by-laws were also adopted and are still in effect today.
If any one man can be credited with the founding of the Lone Oak Rifle and Pistol Club, it would be the late Deno A. (Denny) Gaffi. A former Kelso High School Wood Shop Teacher, Denny kept the Club alive during times when we had no land for a range or a place to shoot. He was our Secretary/Treasurer and our "Guiding Light" for well over thirty years. He helped to design and supervise the construction of the 200 yard pit, and the military target frames, three storage sheds, and our first building on the firing line. There were many hard working people involved with the creation of our Club as we now know it, but none more dedicated than Denny Gaffi.
In 1978 we were able to purchase the property that we had been leasing. The 13 ½ acres the range occupies is now totally owned by the Lone Oak Rifle and Pistol Club. Over the years there have been many improvements to our facility. The construction of the new 24 x 64 ft. firing line building on the rifle range took place shortly after the purchase of the property. This was a major project, and the construction was done totally by Club Members. The building is a great improvement over our first building which we had outgrown. A larger parking area was made along with substantial improvements to the roads. The new pistol range and building were built in its present location.
Currently, the Club has twelve covered firing points and benches on the rifle range, with target frames at 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400 yards. The pistol range has four covered firing points and target frames at 15, 25, and 50 yards. For those that are interested in competitive shooting, the Club sponsors several rifle and pistol matches per year.
All members using the range have attended a safety orientation and are familiar with our "Range Rules". New members must also attend the orientation. Our Club is all about "Safe Firearm Handling" and we expect it from everyone using the range.
The Lone Oak Rifle and Pistol Club was founded and built by our members. It is operated and maintained, and it is owned by our members. The Club exists today because of the efforts of a lot of members that came before us. It is our job to make certain we can pass it on to those that come after us.